Bo Ahlenius

Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English

Bo has and has held a number of directorships in Swedish and Danish-owned Swedish companies in various sectors. His clients are often Danish companies that need help setting up in Sweden and other issues related to their operations in Sweden. He also often provides advice and training related to board liability issues and has represented many board members in legal procceedings related to board liability. Bo is often engaged as a receiver in bankruptcy and administrator and has acted as receiver in a number of major, high-profile cases. He holds a number of voluntary positions and is a director of Ideonfonden AB, among other things. Bo has recurring teaching assignments for clients such as banks, organisations and companies and has held many positions in the Swedish Bar Association such as member of the Council, vice-chair of the Council and member of the Disciplinary Committee. He is also responsible for module 1 of the Swedish Bar Association’s mandatory ethics course.

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  • Dispute Resolution


Trägårdh Advoaktbyrå, 2017 - Lawyer

Advokatfirman Glimstedt, 2016 Lawyer

Advokatfirman Glimstedt, 1997 - 2015 Partner

Advokatfirman Dunér , 1980 - 1997 Partner

Advokatfirman Dunér , 1980 - 1975 Legal associate

Swedish Bar Association, 1992 - 1998 Council member

Swedish Bar Association, 1999 - 2003 Vice-chair

Disciplinary Committee, 2004 - 2010 Council member


Lund University, 1975 LL.M

Danish arbitrator training, 2009